Monday, April 8, 2013

Guess It's My Turn to Type!!

Hey guys!! My name is Samantha. As Lacey has already told ya'll, this is going to be our blog about dressing and portraying modesty in an everyday life. Especially with today's influences, modesty and holy living is found very few and far between. Both me and Lacey know this to be true, so we came together and decided to help out our fellow "skirt lovers!!" HaHa.

I currently live in the beautiful mountains of North Georgia where I work, attend college, and am a member of the absolute BEST church in the world. That's actually how me and Lacey are connected. We have been at the same church for about 7 years and have been best friends almost just as long! I love photography. It's a personal passion of mine. This is not the first blog I have on here! Really it's true! HaHa. I have two more. They are called "This is Living" and "Song of the Day." I will have links on here eventually so ya'll can check them out!

So, I'm pretty much as blessed as one can be! I thank God everyday for giving me everything I have and do not deserve! I look at this blog as just one little way I can give a little back to God and give him the glory he deserves from me. Although I stumble and fall, as you will see in the attempts to do this blog, with his grace, I hope to keep standing on his promises and press toward the mark.

Hopefully this blog will help someone along the way. We will not just have pictures about what clothes we put on from time to time, but me and Lacey both hope to reach someone through teaching and the word of God. Just bear with us! We are not saints by any means. We are just two mountain girls who love God and want to please him in what we say, do, and dress... modestly!

And so the awkward introductions begin...

^^ The "seat belt" I'm making it a new trend (; 

I'm Lacey, and this blog thing is a little new to me. Sam happens to be the experienced social net worker here, but I'm gonna give it my best shot. First thing's first; I'm a complete book junkie, my intake of fiction as well as non-fiction is probably unhealthy. Actually, it has to be. I spend a ridiculous amount of time sketching, and it's nothing I ever want to pursue - just something that I will always enjoy. I have this crazy love for bluegrass music, and I guess that's what happens when you spend your whole life surrounded by it. I meant it, if I went a day without listening to the sound of string instruments, I would lose my sanity. Hopefully someone can relate to my weirdness. At the moment, I'm a full time student in the North Georgia mountains and my passion is teaching. I know it's a love that the Lord has placed deep within me. 

OBVIOUSLY, by this blog...I have a passion for modesty and virtuous living as well. It's something we should all strive for! My life hasn't always been about serving God, so you can probably guess my youth didn't consist of a whole lot of modest clothing. In time, I came to know my Savior, and I figured out what he personally wanted from me. My body is a temple, and it is my privilege to honor and respect it. We're young ladies, and we often forget why we clothe ourselves the way we do! I know that there are days I need someone to lift my spirits and say "Lacey, don't give up. God is fulfilling His purpose through you..." In this case, I want to be the encourager.  I know how difficult it can be to live modestly and to seek the Lord in every aspect of life. The incredible thing is, we're not in this alone! There is a way to live modestly, and beautifully on the inside and out. Let's help one another.