Saturday, November 9, 2013

Ole Trusty

Winter weather is moving in at my house, unfortunately. I'm simply not ready, but it's getting closer without my consent. If I had things my way it would be fall all year long and I could wear ole trusty every day! This jean jacket has been very good to this gal, but the weather is getting too cold for it, so I figured I'd wear my favorite statement piece one last time today. 

Today had no specific celebration, only a day spent in cleaning, running errands, and spending time with my family. BUT, that's celebration enough, right? So, first thing I thought when I woke up this morning was, "I'm going to wear my pajamas ALL DAY!" But, considering I do that almost every Saturday, I figured it would do me some good to put actual effort into my appearance. This outfit was nothing difficult to put together since my jean jacket has been a go-to for months now. The lace dress was an inexpensive buy about a year ago. It has some extra material sewn onto the bottom since it started off a little too short for my liking. I'm a "cover up those knees" girl. Better safe than sorry! I paired it with some black leggings (since I'm too poor and unconcerned to buy another color).

The boots are...are you ready?...FROM WALMART! I know, it was unreal since most clothing items I buy from Walmart doesn't prove to be well made. This buy made me so happy. A lot of girls are shoe shoppers and shoe lovers. I neither like wearing shoes, nor do I like shopping for them. SO, these boots will last me forever. Okay, probably not...but here's to hoping. 
Although I like my trusty jacket my favorite part of the whole outfit has to be the scarf. 

I knew in this weather it may not bother me to still sport my fall wear, but I should at least look like I'm trying to dress warm. This folks, is what I call my "table cloth" scarf, because it literally reminds me of a really dramatic table cloth. Thanks to it, this girl didn't die of frost bite or hypothermia today. Okay, I exaggerate a little bit sometimes...

Well, here is my outfit. It's time to go put away my ole trusty. I hope it's warm where you guys are!

Lacey (;

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Practice of Purity - Bro. Lee Davis - Power of Two Youth Camp 2013

Spots & Stripes

 Hey ya'll! Hope everybody is enjoying this fall weather as much as we are! I know it is my personal favorite season of the entire year! Fall also means we finally get to break out the scarves! Whoo Hoo!! But, how many of you have those printed scarves that you just love but can never find anything to go with them? Yeah, me too! So I decided to experiment the other day! With the help of Pinterest (Thank you Jesus!), I have come across several daring pattern mixes, but the black stripes and leopard mix has become my favorite! (Not to mention I have been crazy about leopard lately! Post soon to come!) Well, I just so happened to have a striped shirt and new leopard scarf... what about that!!?? So with the help of a black pencil skirt and brown belt to tie everything together, I came up with this outfit!! It just goes to show you that you shouldn't be afraid to mix patterns together (within reason that is!). So, go for it! Make that favorite scarf of yours go with anything! You'll thank us later! HaHa! So from Lacey & Sam, Happy Fall!!

Hope ya'll enjoy this video! It will crack you up!

"Virtue Makes You Beautiful!"

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Being a Joseph

Hey y'all! I know it's been quite some time since we've posted. Life has really kept us busy lately, and thank the Lord for it! As much as I would love to throw out new ideas and discoveries on here every day, I'm just so appreciative of the opportunities the Lord has given to both Sam and I. He has kept our lives occupied with jobs, school, helping others, and our service for Him. The Lord is so gracious. 

That being said, I don't have an outfit post for today BUT, I do want to take this time that I have to talk about some things that have been on my heart lately. 

I had a bible study with a dear friend of mine the other day and when it was all said and done I asked him "who in the bible do you want to model your life after?" Of course Christ. But there are so many people in the bible who have admirable attributes, ones that we can strive for. For instance, I want to trust the Lord like Rebekah did when she left everything she had known to be wed to Isaac. I want the unconditional love that Paul had for the Lord and the people. He was stoned in Lystra, only to return with a fire to preach again. Mary Magdalene was committed to the Lord and gave everything she had when she gave her box of ointment. The three Hebrew children knew their fate was the fiery furnace, and they told the king that even if the Lord did not save them from it, they still would not bow to a false God. There are so many inspiring people in the bible, and the fact that they are like you and me makes them even more inspirational. 

My favorite though is Joseph. His family despised him from his youth, he only had one person to lean on, which was his father. He spent his life in bondage and surrounded by people who he did not truly know. He had no family. No friends.No wealth. No way home. Nothing of his own. He was tempted, misunderstood, and he was unaware of how the Lord was using his life behind the scenes. Yes, we see how the story ended, but Joseph had no clue what was going on!! Yet, he was faithful. He could have built up hatred in his heart, he could have pitied himself, and he could have taken advantage of temptation, but he still walked with God. Everyone he came in contact with he blessed. He blessed the king, the land prospered, and his family benefited. I want to have the humility that Joseph had, and the relationship that he had with the Lord that kept him going all those years. I want to bless others no matter how they wrong me. I want that same forgiving spirit, and every day it is my own cross I have to carry that gets me closer to being a Mary, or a Paul, or in this case a Joseph. 

Reading about the lives of these people make me want to strive so much harder, so that some day others can look at me and say "I want to be a Lacey." The Lord has used these servants to teach us how to be a servant as well. How amazing is it that every day he is using us in the same way! 

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Cash and Cardigans

Well guys, I am going to be the first to tell ya'll about my NEW job! I'm sure as you have read in the previous post, me and Lacey both have gotten new jobs, and I'm sure Lacey will tell ya'll about hers in a later post. I on the other hand have recently gotten a job at one of the local banks in town. After a long time of looking, searching, and praying, God saw fit to bless me with this incredible opportunity! He saw the need that I required and met it above my expectations. God truly is good to me, and I praise him! 
So, the pay is a great improvement, and one of the greatest perks is getting to dress up everyday! I'm actually pretty excited. So I was going to share one of my outfits I wore to work: 

Cardigans are an essential in any wardrobe! Especially printed ones like this! It helps add character and style to any plain shirt and plain skirt. It is the main focus point of the outfit, and super cute at that!

I know today's post was kind of short, but hey.. there you have it! HaHa

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Just Keep Swimming

Hey ya'll!! Hope you guys are having an amazing week and an even better summer! I know we are. We both have jobs now! Woo hoo!  So, lately I guess you could call us a couple of stick-in-the-muds. HaHa! But even with our busy schedules we manage to enjoy this amazing weather God has given us. 
We just wanted to take this time and share your visit to the lake with ya'll and show ya'll our swimming attire! Well in today's society, just about every girl going to the beach will have on a bikini.. am I right? Well as you can probably guess, we don't roll like that. We feel like (just as any other dressing situation) our bodies need to be covered and represent godliness. Showing one's flesh, especially girls, offers an opportunity for a guy to look at us and think of us in the wrong matter. Lust is a huge problem today, and a lot of this is caused from the immodesty of dressing. So here are some pictures of how we dress on our trips to the lake... and yes, we swim like this :).

Going shopping for bathing suits in stores today is probably the most difficult thing ever! So, instead of buckling and deciding to wear the string bikinis, we go to the exercise department. The clothing used to exercise in is perfect for swimming! They are thin and airy and allow you to move. This is what Lacey decided to get: a neon print exercise shirt from Wal-Mart. It serves the purpose and looks cute. I, on the other hand just settled for a modest tank top for this trip. We both choose to wear shorts to swim in but we make sure they are to the knee. The best option for this is guys gym shorts! They are the best invention ever made! They do not hug your curves, yet they come to a modest length and are SO comfortable!
Well I hope you guys got some ideas from this post! Enjoy your summer, and remember, you can still swim modestly!

Thought of the Day:
 "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate , saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you" -II Corinthians 6:17

The Lord has obviously called us out to be separate from the world. However, that doesn't mean you should live the rest of your life in a cave. The truth is, we all still live in the world. So how can we be separate from it? That's simple, to be separate from the world, you must be different from the world. This refers to how we walk, talk, dress, etc. Just like we talked earlier in the post, swimming attire is a perfect example of being separate. When people see that you are different, they will see you separate. The important thing is that you are not simply separated, but that you are separated unto the Lord! 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Bringing Back Brown & Black

Today we decided to finally get this blog thing started and began by taking a million pictures! It's what we do in our spare time anyways. So we tried to think about what topic to start out with. We started putting together outfits and thought, "How cool would it be to do a post contradicting the hated 'Brown and Black' theory?"
I'm sure we've all heard that when putting an outfit together we should always avoid putting brown and black together. Well, times have changed haven't they? Granted, you really should never wear a black dress with brown shoes! I mean common sense people. HaHa. However, there's a way to work these two neutrals into the same outfit. Here are some samples of the outfits we each put together! Hope ya'll get some ideas!

Instead of putting a true brown together with black, try tan! It isn't as close to black to play tricks with others' eyes. However, it adds a little individuality to an outfit!

Look for prints that already have a unique color combination like brown and beige! This way people know that the colors go together! Plus this is an excellent way to mix  your accessories!!

Thought of the Day: 

"Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded." ~ James 4:8 (KJV)

The beginning of this verse starts out saying how we should draw nigh to God. However, do you notice the order of which this is in. It doesn't say "If God will draw nigh to you, then you can draw nigh to him." No, my friend, it's quite the opposite! The responsibility is placed on our shoulders. We must first draw nigh to God if we expect him to draw nigh to us. So often we think it must be the other way around. When in fact, God is wanting us to realize that we need him in our lives. Yes, he wants us to draw nigh to him, but he will not make a move unless we present ourselves a servant unto him first and foremost! Think on this.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Guess It's My Turn to Type!!

Hey guys!! My name is Samantha. As Lacey has already told ya'll, this is going to be our blog about dressing and portraying modesty in an everyday life. Especially with today's influences, modesty and holy living is found very few and far between. Both me and Lacey know this to be true, so we came together and decided to help out our fellow "skirt lovers!!" HaHa.

I currently live in the beautiful mountains of North Georgia where I work, attend college, and am a member of the absolute BEST church in the world. That's actually how me and Lacey are connected. We have been at the same church for about 7 years and have been best friends almost just as long! I love photography. It's a personal passion of mine. This is not the first blog I have on here! Really it's true! HaHa. I have two more. They are called "This is Living" and "Song of the Day." I will have links on here eventually so ya'll can check them out!

So, I'm pretty much as blessed as one can be! I thank God everyday for giving me everything I have and do not deserve! I look at this blog as just one little way I can give a little back to God and give him the glory he deserves from me. Although I stumble and fall, as you will see in the attempts to do this blog, with his grace, I hope to keep standing on his promises and press toward the mark.

Hopefully this blog will help someone along the way. We will not just have pictures about what clothes we put on from time to time, but me and Lacey both hope to reach someone through teaching and the word of God. Just bear with us! We are not saints by any means. We are just two mountain girls who love God and want to please him in what we say, do, and dress... modestly!

And so the awkward introductions begin...

^^ The "seat belt" I'm making it a new trend (; 

I'm Lacey, and this blog thing is a little new to me. Sam happens to be the experienced social net worker here, but I'm gonna give it my best shot. First thing's first; I'm a complete book junkie, my intake of fiction as well as non-fiction is probably unhealthy. Actually, it has to be. I spend a ridiculous amount of time sketching, and it's nothing I ever want to pursue - just something that I will always enjoy. I have this crazy love for bluegrass music, and I guess that's what happens when you spend your whole life surrounded by it. I meant it, if I went a day without listening to the sound of string instruments, I would lose my sanity. Hopefully someone can relate to my weirdness. At the moment, I'm a full time student in the North Georgia mountains and my passion is teaching. I know it's a love that the Lord has placed deep within me. 

OBVIOUSLY, by this blog...I have a passion for modesty and virtuous living as well. It's something we should all strive for! My life hasn't always been about serving God, so you can probably guess my youth didn't consist of a whole lot of modest clothing. In time, I came to know my Savior, and I figured out what he personally wanted from me. My body is a temple, and it is my privilege to honor and respect it. We're young ladies, and we often forget why we clothe ourselves the way we do! I know that there are days I need someone to lift my spirits and say "Lacey, don't give up. God is fulfilling His purpose through you..." In this case, I want to be the encourager.  I know how difficult it can be to live modestly and to seek the Lord in every aspect of life. The incredible thing is, we're not in this alone! There is a way to live modestly, and beautifully on the inside and out. Let's help one another.