Thursday, June 13, 2013

Cash and Cardigans

Well guys, I am going to be the first to tell ya'll about my NEW job! I'm sure as you have read in the previous post, me and Lacey both have gotten new jobs, and I'm sure Lacey will tell ya'll about hers in a later post. I on the other hand have recently gotten a job at one of the local banks in town. After a long time of looking, searching, and praying, God saw fit to bless me with this incredible opportunity! He saw the need that I required and met it above my expectations. God truly is good to me, and I praise him! 
So, the pay is a great improvement, and one of the greatest perks is getting to dress up everyday! I'm actually pretty excited. So I was going to share one of my outfits I wore to work: 

Cardigans are an essential in any wardrobe! Especially printed ones like this! It helps add character and style to any plain shirt and plain skirt. It is the main focus point of the outfit, and super cute at that!

I know today's post was kind of short, but hey.. there you have it! HaHa

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Just Keep Swimming

Hey ya'll!! Hope you guys are having an amazing week and an even better summer! I know we are. We both have jobs now! Woo hoo!  So, lately I guess you could call us a couple of stick-in-the-muds. HaHa! But even with our busy schedules we manage to enjoy this amazing weather God has given us. 
We just wanted to take this time and share your visit to the lake with ya'll and show ya'll our swimming attire! Well in today's society, just about every girl going to the beach will have on a bikini.. am I right? Well as you can probably guess, we don't roll like that. We feel like (just as any other dressing situation) our bodies need to be covered and represent godliness. Showing one's flesh, especially girls, offers an opportunity for a guy to look at us and think of us in the wrong matter. Lust is a huge problem today, and a lot of this is caused from the immodesty of dressing. So here are some pictures of how we dress on our trips to the lake... and yes, we swim like this :).

Going shopping for bathing suits in stores today is probably the most difficult thing ever! So, instead of buckling and deciding to wear the string bikinis, we go to the exercise department. The clothing used to exercise in is perfect for swimming! They are thin and airy and allow you to move. This is what Lacey decided to get: a neon print exercise shirt from Wal-Mart. It serves the purpose and looks cute. I, on the other hand just settled for a modest tank top for this trip. We both choose to wear shorts to swim in but we make sure they are to the knee. The best option for this is guys gym shorts! They are the best invention ever made! They do not hug your curves, yet they come to a modest length and are SO comfortable!
Well I hope you guys got some ideas from this post! Enjoy your summer, and remember, you can still swim modestly!

Thought of the Day:
 "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate , saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you" -II Corinthians 6:17

The Lord has obviously called us out to be separate from the world. However, that doesn't mean you should live the rest of your life in a cave. The truth is, we all still live in the world. So how can we be separate from it? That's simple, to be separate from the world, you must be different from the world. This refers to how we walk, talk, dress, etc. Just like we talked earlier in the post, swimming attire is a perfect example of being separate. When people see that you are different, they will see you separate. The important thing is that you are not simply separated, but that you are separated unto the Lord!